Published On: December 5th, 2012
2013 Hall of  Flame Calendar

2013 Hall of Flame Calendar

Hot off the press…

the 2013 Hall of Flame Calendar is now available.  Fire Fighters have once again donated many off duty hours to produce a high quality, tasteful, calendar to raise funds to help cancer patients. This project has supported many local charities with their tongue-in-cheek beefcake calendar for almost 25 years and in some ways parallels the Calendar Girls story that recently played at the Grand Theater.

The Hall of Flame project started way back in 1988 with Fire Fighters and Burn Unit Nurses from London working together to produce the first calendar for the 1989 season. With fire fighters donating their time posing for the calendar as well as working with the nurses to sell the published product it became quickly apparent that this was a great project to raise funds for the South Western Ontario Regional Burn Unit at Victoria Hospital. As much fun as it was producing these calendars it was not a simple task. This project normally has a timeline of almost 5 months from selecting fire fighters, posing for photos, re-shoots (back when film was used), printing and finally selling calendars, all done while off duty. As a result of these production demands calendars were originally produced every other year to allow volunteers a break from the project. Over the years the proceeds have benefited many local organizations including the London Health Sciences and Ronald McDonald House.

The proceeds from the 2013 Calendar will be shared between the Massel-Cruickshank Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund and the Translational Prostate Cancer Research Group through the London Health Sciences Foundation. With an estimated 25,500 Canadian men diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011 and 4100 men succumbing to the disease, your purchase of the calendar will help fund research to better detect, diagnose and eventually help cure this deadly disease. Proceeds from the calendar will also assist cancer patients during their difficult journey of treatments via the Massel-Cruickshank Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Fund. This fund established by Dr Moira Cruickshank and her family in 2004, assists breast cancer patients with illness-related expenses like breast prostheses, wigs, medications and parking to allow patients to focus on their recovery.

Calendars are available via Fire Fighters who appear in the calendar or via our website.  With cancer patients being the beneficiaries of the 2013 calendar, the Hall of Flame Calendar should be a stocking stuffer in every home this Christmas.

Published On: December 5th, 2012 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 4573 |

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