We’re a small group of researchers, retired and current London Firefighters who curate artifacts, articles in the public domain and personal stories. Our goal is to preserve the colourful history of the London Fire Department, which was established in 1873. (The short version of our history)
Frequently Asked Questions
We also have a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) page to assist with some of our most common questions.
Post Categories & Tags
Every post on our site has been categorized to assist you in discovering more about the London Fire Service history. Some posts have tags to link immediate information. Look at the bottom of each post for the category and or tag to find more related or relevant content.
Here are some of our more popular categories:
Here are some of our more popular tags:

Looking for a specific era or date?
Enter the date into the URL:
- Specific Year – https://londonfirefighters.ca/1990
- Specific Month – https://londonfirefighters.ca/1990/01
- Specific Date – https://londonfirefighters.ca/1990/01/31
Incidents or events with multiple articles are usually assigned a tag including the date and street as a unique identifier. (i.e. ~19051231 Main St.) The date format is YYYYMMDD. To view all the related information about this specific incident, click on the tag.
- Station 1 – Headquarters
- Station 2
- Station 3
- Station 4
- Station 5
- Station 6
- Station 7
- Station 8
- Station 9
- Station 10
- Station 11
- Station 12
- Station 13
- Station 14