Our collections had been donated or shared in the public domain. Curating these articles, images, or artifacts we have attempted to categorize and tag each contribution to assist you in your search or discovery of the London Fire Fighters histrory.
Complied by Bill Adams.
Printed 2002 and shared with permission of the London Fire Department.
Chief Fitzgerald, a second generation London Fire Fighter, worked through the ranks from Fire Fighter to the highest rank of the department, Fire Chief. During his career, Chief Fitzgerald collected many amazing photos, artifacts and great stories.
Rick Loiselle, local fire buff and Past President of the Ontario Fire Buff Association, is in the process of sharing his extensive collection of London photos and stories.

Captain JC Brown has shared his huge collection of newspaper and magazine clippings he gathered during his 35 year career as a London Fire Fighter.

Captain Gaskin, worked through the ranks from Fire Fighter to Captain, with many years working at Station 2.
Working as a communicator for many years, Lynda Morton collected and shared her trove of newpaper articles and magazines related to London Fire Fighters and the London Fire Department.
A great collection from mid 1980’s through to 2010 of articles and photos clipped from local London Media.
Local photographer, Craig Hendry shares his photos and videos of London Fire Fighters in action.
This collection has been created from publicly shared images from on the web and the collection at The London Room at the Central Library in London.
This collection has been created from publicly shared images found on the web.
Ross Howey is a content and social media strategist working in the digital publishing industry in London, Ontario. He recently completed his master’s in Journalism and Communication at the University of Western Ontario and his bachelor’s in Political Science at Wilfrid Laurier University. In his spare time, he can be found documenting the hard work of emergency services and freelancing for a number of local news outlets. With a passion for social media, digital communications and emergency services, he is focused on helping organizations tell their story.
The Facebook group “London Ontario / Memories of Yesterday and Today” is a vibrant online community dedicated to celebrating and preserving the rich history of London, Ontario, through shared memories, stories, and photographs. Among its many treasures are outstanding photos of the London Fire Department (LFD) from various eras, capturing the evolution of firefighting in the city, its vehicles, stations, and personnel. These visual archives have proven invaluable for researchers delving into the history of the LFD, offering authentic glimpses into its heritage and the community it serves.
Whether you’re a history enthusiast or simply curious about London’s past and present, this group provides a dynamic space for connection and discovery.