Published On: October 26th, 2012

1989 Hall of Flame Calendar

With the release of a new calendar coming up (Nov 16, 2012 – Event Details), I thought it would be fun to republish the old calendars for nostalgic reasons and show off the great work done by off duty London Fire Fighters.  This project has been a lot of fun with it’s tongue in check approach to raise funds for local community projects.

Here is a link to the original calendar released in 1988 for the 1989 season.  The committee headed up by Burn Unit Nurses: Deborah Kruz; Wendy Fagan; & Kim Holtby, assisted by Fire Fighters: Wayne Brown; Martin Nygard & Dave Warren, proved that this project was profitable and supported by the community.  With calendars sold out in short order plans were in the works for another edition to be released in 1991.

Stay tuned for more past editions of the calendar to be re-released and be sure to purchase the latest calendar due out Nov 16, 2012 at Cathy Brown’s (Release Event Details).

Published On: October 26th, 2012 | Last Updated: February 11th, 2023 | Views: 2408 |

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