
London Fire Fighters

Preserving the history of the London Fire Fighters

History  fills our human need for tales about our community and about the things that we have done. Understanding the service of today involves accurately recalling history. History can offer potential solutions to current problems and help guide and direct us when solving them.

History is every bit as fantastic and as exciting as a novel.

Join us in preserving our history and telling the stories of the London Fire Department.

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  • Large volumes of water put on building fire

Residents describe escape from Oxford St blaze

April 18th, 2019|

‘We weren’t able to breathe,’: residents describe escape from Oxford Street blaze that injured two Fire crews work to douse a fire at 1004 Oxford Street East Thursday, April 18, 2019 (Liny Lambeirnk /...

  • Large fire truck pouring water on burning building

Blaze at a variety store on Oxford St E

April 18th, 2019|

#LdnOnt firefighters are fighting a blaze at a variety store on Oxford Street East, just east of Quebec St. Police have closed the area to traffic between Quebec and Stuart streets. pic.twitter.com/wOpSPk29VH— Juha Jonathan (@JuhaatLFPress)...

Fittest, Survives

April 16th, 2019|

Source: Facebook | Jack Plant It has been suggested that this type of engine was used in London and/or this company manufactured Steam Engines in London Ontario. Looking for experts to help...

River Training

April 6th, 2019|

LFD A-Platoon (WIRT) demonstrating annual rescue skills in the Thames river fast flowing swift water. #morethanfires. @LPFFA @Hamertime436 @JackBurt13 @Hayes_R_J @DCHuntLondon @ShewellColin pic.twitter.com/lXQi0XCqZx — London Fire Department (@LdnOntFire) April 7, 2019

Trucks & Vehicles

From horse and wagons, right on through to present, check out the various vehicles used by the London Fire Service.


Check out the various stations throughout London

  • The Department

The London Fire Department

The administration, organization, and leadership of the department.

  • The Fire Fighters

London Professional Fire Fighters Association

The association representing the personnel working within the department, except for administration staff.