Published On: October 27th, 2019
While on vacation, Captain Brydon came across one of London’s old fire engines, our 1961 La France.
We were in Charlottetown PEI in Sept. Stopped at a Harley dealership, where a rally was happening. Got talking to a local volunteer FF. Told Him I was a retired FF from London Ont. … He said “Man… Am I Going to Make Your Day”… He showed me a photo of his firetruck… It was the old Lafrance… London Engine One… Went and saw it on display at a nearby school. Signed the side door. … Couldn’t believe It !!

Barry Stewart, of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, has pink wrapped this old London Fire Engine and has about 4000 names on it of people who have succumbed to cancer.

Find out more about this truck by using it’s ID tag of 1961-E-ALF-01. There is also a great post about how it found itself to its final home. Read,  “A Piece of LFD History here“.

Published On: October 27th, 2019 | Last Updated: January 9th, 2023 | Views: 644 |

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