(Photo courtesy of Hooks & Halligans Fire Photography)
As of October 1, 2018 the position of Platoon Chief will no longer exist as per the new collective agreement between the LPFFA and the London Fire Department.
Current Platoon Chiefs will be demoted to the rank District Chief and new Platoon Chief Managers will be hired and in place mid to late October.
Two new District Chief positions are also being created to bring up the total number of District Chiefs to three per Platoon. This increase of one Chief Officer makes available three District Chiefs to manage emergency incidents throughout the city and more effectively supervise 90+ personnel disbursed between 14 Stations & Communications, responding using 23 front-line vehicles.
Traditionally, the highest ranking Suppression Officer, the Platoon Chief was responsible for managing the staffing, scheduling of the entire platoon (75-90 personnel) and responded to emergencies using Car 1 out of Headquarters. The Platoon Chief would respond to all alarms requiring a Chief Officer and assumed an active role in all large incidents within the city. The second highest ranking Suppression Officer, the District Chief, assisted the Platoon Chief and assumed any or all responsibilities of the Platoon Chief is needed.