Published On: February 12th, 2012

A group of London fire fighters will be calling the roof of Covent Garden Market home for 72 hours with the hopes of raising money for a good cause.

The second annual Fire Fighters Roof Top Campout is set to take place March 15 – March 17 to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy Canada.

“In London we’re just trying to do our part (to support Muscular Dystrophy Canada) ,” said Tom Nicolson, executive officer, London Professional Fire Fighters Association. ” The whole idea is that ­people with MD are suffering everyday, so for us to suffer for 72 hours, to help them out is kind of pale in comparison.”

Nicolson and his team will be camping out in tents for three days in the heart of Downtown London. One of the campout nights also coincides with a London Knights game

“We’re (hoping) to expose ourselves to that crowd,” Nicolson said. “And Saturday night is St. Patty’s Day so we are hoping that the bar and restaurant crowd is in a giving mood.”

Nicolson said last year the group was represented by five fire fighters braving the weather on the roof top. This year there are two new members joining the campout.

“It’s for a really great cause,” said first time participant Bob Geilen. “It’s a bit of suffering for us, but compared to what people with MD go through, this is nothing.”

Geilen said he wanted to participate last year, but because the roster was full he had to settle with supporting the team from the outside. He visited his friends every day and participated in the boot toll.

Muscular Dystrophy Canada is the charity supported by fire fighters across Canada and last year, the group in London was able to collect about $ 9,000 at the campout and their partnership with The Blues Fest. Nicolson said he hopes Londoners will open their hearts and donate again this year.

“I would encourage (Londoners) to just come down and see what we are about,” he said. “There’ll be lots of ­people to talk to about fire safety and the volunteer work we do in the community.

Shobhita Sharma
via  Firefighters camp out for a cause | Local | News | Londoner.

Published On: February 12th, 2012 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 1274 |

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