Fire visited campus twice
Why London fire visited campus twice last week Sophia Schiefler, Coordinating Editor - UWO Gazette Last week, the London Fire Department visited Western twice. Fire crews responded ...
Why London fire visited campus twice last week Sophia Schiefler, Coordinating Editor - UWO Gazette Last week, the London Fire Department visited Western twice. Fire crews responded ...
Andy Yang, News Editor Adshayah Sathiaseelan, News Editor Jessica Kim, News Intern A false fire alarm evacuated the University Community Centre in the middle of Canada’s first FIFA World Cup soccer ...
Very thankful to work with a wonderful group of people at Western. Had a great time at Western's "Campus Safety Day". It was also nice to run into friends from ...
The London Fire Department responded to reports of smoke at University College on the UWO campus around noon on January 5. Firefighters searched the building for signs of fire, ...
An explosion in a lab at Robarts Research Institute Tuesday sent one person to hospital with minor burns.
A research technician suffered minor cuts and burns following a lab explosion in Western's Robarts Research Institute. Fire crews responded to the scene Tuesday afternoon and said damage was contained ...
via Rogers TV London
It was business as usual Monday morning at University Hospital, days after fire broke out on the second level of the visitor's parking garage. The garage has been reopened, and ...
[warning]Driving requires your full attention. Ontario's ban on hand-held devices while driving took effect on October 26, 2009.[/warning] via YouTube posted by October162001
It certainly looked like a blaze with tremendous power. But in the end no-one was hurt and only car and property were destroyed. And officials have now identified the cause ...