Truck 1 (T1) is the vehicle identifier for aerial trucks deployed out of headquarters.
The following are related posts with the call sign T1.
Truck 1 (T1) is the vehicle identifier for aerial trucks deployed out of headquarters.
The following are related posts with the call sign T1.
The '85 boom from the '72 Ford/KS was remounted on this 1985 King CM1 chassis with all new body. I took this photo at the drill tower as it ...
An unusual photo in that it shown here pumping at a house fire sometime in the mid '70s. Truck 1 arrived first to the fire,which was on King St east of Adelaide. Engine 1 was returning from another alarm so Truck 1 hit the hydrant and laid lines.
Eng 3 ( 1959 ALF 900 ), Trk1 ( 1972 Ford/KingSeagrave ) and Car 1 ( 1974 Chev wagon, had just been put into service ) at a garage ...
August 13, 1951 view of the new $32,000 aerial truck. The 75 foot aerial ladder can reach blazes six storeys up. This was a Canadian made Bickle-Seagrave truck. ...
(Courtesy of Jim Fitzgerald)