
London Fire Fighters

Preserving the history of the London Fire Fighters

History  fills our human need for tales about our community and about the things that we have done. Understanding the service of today involves accurately recalling history. History can offer potential solutions to current problems and help guide and direct us when solving them.

History is every bit as fantastic and as exciting as a novel.

Join us in preserving our history and telling the stories of the London Fire Department.

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The flames

December 28th, 2017|

Hully Gully was in flames this morning - S. Kavanagh

UPDATE: 3 Alarm Fire at Hully Gully

December 28th, 2017|

VIDEO. The latest from scene of a 3 alarm fire at Hully Gully sports in SW #ldnont. Crews cleaning up now. No word on cause. pic.twitter.com/jSk6gHvfRR — Andrew Lupton (@AndrewLuptonCBC) December 28, 2017 Source: Twitter...

Traffic blocked due to fire

December 28th, 2017|

London police say Northbound Wonderland Rd. South at Wharncliffe Rd. South is closed. All other directions have re-opened. Emergency crews are still on scene. #ldnont https://t.co/r50d0fJKG4 pic.twitter.com/3hI3b7W5NZ — BlackburnNewsLondon (@BlackburnLondon) December 28, 2017 Source: Twitter...

Early morning fire at Hully Gully

December 28th, 2017|

Fire crews battle an early morning fire at Hully Gully, at the corner of Wonderland Rd and Wharncliffe Rd pic.twitter.com/GCE1qTjDpx — 980 CFPL London News (@AM980News) December 28, 2017 Source: Twitter | @AM980News

Following Hully Gully Fire

December 28th, 2017|

[su_highlight background="#f61927" color="#ffffff"]Warning - Offensive Language in the video[/su_highlight] Fire at Hully gully @CTVNews pic.twitter.com/SJnbBWIuLM — Sarah Dymond (@sarahkdymond) December 28, 2017 We are following the major fire at the site of Hully Gully at...

First-responders’ holiday experience and PTSD

December 26th, 2017|

While most people are enjoying their time off from school or work at home, the first responders who work long and hard to protect their community during the holiday season cannot be forgotten. The holiday...

Trucks & Vehicles

From horse and wagons, right on through to present, check out the various vehicles used by the London Fire Service.


Check out the various stations throughout London

  • The Department

The London Fire Department

The administration, organization, and leadership of the department.

  • The Fire Fighters

London Professional Fire Fighters Association

The association representing the personnel working within the department, except for administration staff.