
London Fire Fighters

Preserving the history of the London Fire Fighters

History  fills our human need for tales about our community and about the things that we have done. Understanding the service of today involves accurately recalling history. History can offer potential solutions to current problems and help guide and direct us when solving them.

History is every bit as fantastic and as exciting as a novel.

Join us in preserving our history and telling the stories of the London Fire Department.

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2019 McHappy Day

May 9th, 2019|

DC Culbertson nose to nose with Sparky — at McDonald's Canada. (Source: Facebook) ...

  • 1004 Oxford St E Store Fire

Oxford Street Fire

April 20th, 2019|

Coverage by local media of the Fire on April 18, 2019: [su_posts posts_per_page="15" taxonomy="post_tag" tax_term="879" order="desc"]

  • 1004 Oxford St E Store Fire

‘Very scary’: Students jump to escape fire

April 18th, 2019|

‘Very scary’: Students jump out rear window to escape morning fire Firefighters battle a morning blaze in a variety store that's also home to apartments. Two people, including a firefighter, were taken to hospital....

  • Fire fighters cleaning up from fire

Two injured in Oxford Street fire

April 18th, 2019|

A convenience store with living space above was damaged by fire on April 18, 2019. Photo by Scott Kitching. Fire officials are looking for the cause of a fire that sent two people,...

Trucks & Vehicles

From horse and wagons, right on through to present, check out the various vehicles used by the London Fire Service.


Check out the various stations throughout London

  • The Department

The London Fire Department

The administration, organization, and leadership of the department.

  • The Fire Fighters

London Professional Fire Fighters Association

The association representing the personnel working within the department, except for administration staff.