History fills our human need for tales about our community and about the things that we have done. Understanding the service of today involves accurately recalling history. History can offer potential solutions to current problems and help guide and direct us when solving them.
History is every bit as fantastic and as exciting as a novel.
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Police, firefighters face decontamination amid suspected drug-lab probe
London police officers and firefighters in hazardous-material suits were hosed down with decontamination spray Wednesday after leaving an east-end townhouse where investigators are probing a suspected drug lab. Health Canada chemists were called...
Portable radios would help keep fire inspectors safe
Deputy Fire Chief Jack Burt holds up a radio destined for fire prevention officers who often work alone in the field, in areas that could be hazardous as they inspect fire scenes. Burt says...
London firefighters rescue stranded kayakers
A police officer and a firefighter speak to man and woman that were rescued by the marine unit of the LFD. (DEREK RUTTAN, The London Free Press) A pair of kayakers marooned by...
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