History fills our human need for tales about our community and about the things that we have done. Understanding the service of today involves accurately recalling history. History can offer potential solutions to current problems and help guide and direct us when solving them.
History is every bit as fantastic and as exciting as a novel.
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Extra challenge in south end fire
Fire crews battle a blaze along Millbank Drive in the early morning hours of Sept. 10, 2019. (Andrew Graham / 980 CFPL) London fire department says ‘hoarding’ added extra challenge in south end...
Station 11 – Open House
We are having a great time engaging with our neighbours Fire Station 11 3970 Savoy St in Lambeth. Drop by and see us until 8:30 pm. #ldnont #LFDOnt #lambeth #community pic.twitter.com/2e4AvdWiAo — London Fire Department...
Injured firefighter released from hospital
Firefighters in London, Ont., clean the street in front of 448 Woodman Avenue as they prepare the home for demolition. (Andrew Graham / 980 CFPL) London firefighter injured in Woodman Ave. blast released from hospital...
London Fire Instagram Posts
View this post on Instagram Shocking aftermath after last night’s explosion on Woodman Ave & seen from a backyard on Charlotte also with extensive damage. We are so grateful to have such amazing partners in...