Pumper No.3
No.3 Pumper in front of Station 5. (L-R) Ede Lyons, Jim Fitzgerald Sr., Capt. John Hamilton
Fire department vehicles are displayed in the northwest corner of Market Square during a review by the Mayor and the Fire Chief. Businesses along Talbot Street and Market Lane ...
1927 - No.4 Fire Station (L-R) Jim Fitzgerald Sr., Chas Foley, Capt Geo Gower
Source: Facebook | Jack Plant
Western Fair Fire Fighters posing in front of their Fire Hall, located on the grounds of the Western Fair. (photo source - Western Fair Archives, H.G. Hines Collection) ...
Source: "London Fire Department on Bruce Street" by Western University
Source: Around London 1900-1950 A Picture History by W. Glen Curnoe via Vintage London, Ontario | Facebook