Articles and content related to water related emergencies and the water rescue teams of the London Fire Department.
River rescue
Source: Facebook | Jack Plant
Source: Facebook | Jack Plant
London Fire Fighters training for ice rescue emergencies.
The people I work with are awesome and it's an honour to be part of their team!
TONIGHT: Catch @LPFFA in action, training on the Thames. Banks are flooded & a boating ban is in place. #ldnont (Credit: Steve Sauder) — Natalie Quinlan (@CTVNatalie) January 13, ...
London drowning: Teen’s canoe death sad first for the city (Facebook photo - Courtesy of London Free Press) The death of a 19-year-old man who fell out of ...
Emergency crews have been searching in and around the water near Pondmills Road and Southdale since early yesterday morning. The large pond is where a 19-year-old Simcoe man was last ...
Rescue crews save woman from Prevost walking bridge over the Thames River. Source: CTV London: Walking Bridge Rescue | CTV London News
Police, firefighters and paramedics responded to reports of a drowning in the indoor swimming pool at 744 Proudfoot Lane in London, Ont. on Friday March 25, 2016. (DEREK RUTTAN, ...
Ice rescue training Thank you to a member of the community who sent us these pictures from last week of fire crews doing ice rescue training at ...