Fire Buff2019-08-15T09:51:02-04:00August 15th, 2019|Categories: Explosion, Motor Vehicle Collision, Natural Gas Leak|Tags: ~20190814 Woodman Ave|
House explodes after vehicle hits gas line in London, Ont.
Source: House explodes after vehicle hits gas line in London, Ont. | CityTV
Old East Village explosion
“Could it have been worse? Absolutely”: Seven injured in Old East Village explosion An explosion in Old East Village had residents rushing from their homes late Wednesday night in a ...
Seven injured in Old East Village explosion
An explosion in Old East Village had residents rushing from their homes late Wednesday night in a chaotic scene that ultimately saw several homes destroyed or damaged. Ultimately 12 people ...
London Fire Platoon Chief Gary Mosburger on Explosion in OEV
News Talk 1290 Source: London Fire Platoon Chief Gary Mosburger on Explosion in OEV | 1290 Talk Radio
Blast rattles vacationing homeowner
Ed McCleave was vacationing in Mexico when a friend told him there’d been an explosion and fire at his southeast London home. McCleave, not returning to London until Friday, says ...
House explosion in London’s east end sends one to hospital
Emergency crews respond to a house explosion at 1335 Hamilton Rd., December 4, 2017.Liny Lamberink / 980 CFPL One man is in hospital following an explosion at a ...