
Posts categorized as incidents are typically responses by suppression crews.

If the incident had multiple articles or postings, a tag is usually added using the date and street name as a unique identifier. (i.e. ~19051231 Main St.) Use the tags to see related posts or use the search page to find specific incidents or dates.

Blaze in Old East Village

40 people displaced by fire in London’s OEV, $1.2 million in damages Daryl Newcombe | CTV London London firefighters were called to a smoke-filled apartment at ...

2025-03-17T15:28:01-04:00February 7th, 2025|Categories: Fire|
  • Steam released from a house fire. Fire fighters working in the front yard with hoses and equipent.

$200,000 Housefire

Housefire and accompanying explosion cause $200,000 in damages By Bailey Shakyaver CTV London A Saturday night housefire in London resulted in more than $200,000 in damages. According ...

2025-02-25T11:01:56-05:00February 1st, 2025|Categories: Fire|