Giving students usable skills
Students at London's newest high school exposed to wide variety of professionals London firefighter James Bell helps student volunteer Jennifer Eid, 15 of Saint André Bessette Catholic Secondary School ...
Students at London's newest high school exposed to wide variety of professionals London firefighter James Bell helps student volunteer Jennifer Eid, 15 of Saint André Bessette Catholic Secondary School ...
You can expect to run into a lot of firefighters this week as crews work to spread the word on the fire safety. Deputy Fire Chief Gary Bridge tells AM980 ...
In the wake of a fatal fire in Ottawa on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, the London Fire Department wants to remind the public that once you have escaped from a burning building you should not re-enter for any reason.
How killing the long-form census hurt community planning Deputy Chief David Lazenby - Globe and Mail David Lazenby, deputy fire chief in London, Ont., was convinced that the ...
The London Fire Department has a simple request for residents who have a fire hydrant on or near their properties – to make sure they are not buried under snow. ...
Residents are asked to help keep the city safe by clearing out snow around hydrants on or near their property.
Some grade 1 students received a tour of No. 2 Fire Hall before a full firefighter breakfast and a ride to school in a fire truck.
Union Gas has awarded the London Fire Department $2,000 to help in the effort to raise public awareness about the dangers of carbon monoxide and the need for working CO detectors.
Deputy Fire Chief Jessop and the LFD chose Tweedsmuir PS to help them launch North American Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 6-12).
The London Fire Department Warns Consumers of Faulty Air to Heat Exchangers Which May Pose a Fire Risk