Published On: July 31st, 2013

Through studies undertaken by the London Fire Department (LFD), and supported through the Master Fire Plan, the LFD proposed relocating Station 7, which was supported by Council. The City took possession of the selected site mid November 2011, noting that the project is somewhat complex as it required the purchase of two (2) properties.

The site, which is off Webster Street, north of Huron St and East of Highbury Ave.

The site, which is off Webster Street,
north of Huron St and East of Highbury Ave.

Following an evaluative selection process, In parallel to the above noted process, the City selected Cornerstone Architecture, a London based architectural firm that has significant experience with City projects, to lead the project. Since the fall of 2011, Cornerstone Architecture has been working on the design and the site. Figures 2 and 3 on this page and the next provide renditions of the proposed design, while Figure 4 depicts a site plan.


Figure 2: Station 7 – Front View


Figure 3: Station 7 – Rear View

Figure 4: Station 7 - Site Plan

Figure 4: Station 7 – Site Plan

Generally, the design of the building mimics a new design introduce at Station 9 to gain turnout time efficiencies with the Engine crew primarily located on one side of the apparatus bay and the Truck crew on the other. The project is progressing, noting that a number of site plan approvals were required, as well as a variance request because of the size of the property frontage. The project should be going to tender in March of 2012.

Because of a number of processes in place, it is difficult to predict when the new station might be complete. Nonetheless, a preliminary review of potential schedules suggests that we might take possession in late January or early February of 2013.

via City of London Fire Department

Published On: July 31st, 2013 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 1277 |

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