Published On: December 9th, 2016

Jason Timlick (London Free Press)

City officials have dropped, for now, their demand for a judicial review that’s interrupted firefighter arbitration talks, a move intended to revive — and hopefully complete — the longest such contract impasse in Canadian history.

At issue is an order by the arbitration board that city hall hand over documents to the London Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, believed to be related to an expert report calling for an end to police-fire pay parity.

City administration took umbrage with the order, citing the sensitivity of some documents, and launched a judicial review of its legal appropriateness.

Now, however, the city has dropped that legal wrangling in an effort to complete talks for a new contract for London firefighters, who’ve been working under a deal that expired in 2010.

Jason Timlick, president of the London Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, said the city’s move means arbitration talks will resume Jan. 10 and 11. But he said it’s clear the fight over “certain documents” will be part of those sessions.

“It’s positive, yes,” he said of the city dropping its judicial review, adding his members want the process done.

“We have to follow the legal process to get to the end point.”

Timlick noted the city has reserved the right to revive the judicial review. He wonders if it might do so after the arbitrator’s decision is made.

City officials declined comment.

City hall has been fighting for what it’s called “greater flexibility” and affordability in how firefighters are paid. For example, they want other city employee groups — such as outside workers — used as the salary comparator, not police.

They also want the ability to outsource fire dispatch. That alone, it’s believed, would save the city more than $1 million annually.

The city’s push has met some political resistance, but it may have the support of some taxpayers who have grown weary of seeing scores of firefighters appear annually on the so-called “sunshine list” of public employees making $100,000 or more.

At the 2010 rate (their last contract), a first-class firefighter after four years makes $85,503. The association is seeking a four-year pact (retroactive to 2014) that would hike that pay to $93,207.

[email protected]

Source: City trying to rekindle long-stalled fire talks | The London Free Press

Published On: December 9th, 2016 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 774 |

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