Published On: March 13th, 2019
Engine 3 parked near fire scene

A vehicle from the London Fire Department remained outside a Langarth Street West building where a morning fire injured one person. Photo taken on Wednesday, March 13. (JONATHAN JUHA, The London Free Press)

A woman was in critical condition in hospital Wednesday afternoon following a morning fire in a three-storey walk-up just west of London’s Old South neighbourhood,.

London firefighters responded to the fire at 140 Langarth St. W., west of Wharncliffe Road, about 8:30 a.m.

Firefighters were met with heavy smoke coming out of an apartment on the second floor of the building, said Gary Mosburger, platoon chief manager with the London fire department.

“Those crews made entry to contain the fire and found a patient located within the unit,” he said. “The patient was removed from the unit and taken to hospital.”

Early Wednesday afternoon, London police confirmed the person injured is an adult woman and that she suffered life-threatening injuries in the blaze.

Source: London Free Press | Woman in critical condition after apartment fire near Old South

Published On: March 13th, 2019 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 489 |

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