Published On: January 9th, 2018

After heavy snowfall, London fire officials ask residents to dig out fire hydrants

(Global News – Willowpix/iStock/Getty Images)

Londoners digging out from the wallop of snow we’ve gotten over the last week are being asked by fire officials to also dig out any fire hydrants near their homes to make them easier to see in the event of a fire.

Due to the recent heavy snowfall, and from snow moved by snowplows and snowblowers, many city fire hydrants have been left buried under the white stuff.

“Because every second counts in a fire emergency, a hydrant that is not visible and needs to be found, then dug out by responding crews, could have serious consequences,” read a release from the London Fire Department on Monday. “If shovelling or snow blowing, please make every effort to avoid adding to the problem.”

In addition, residents are also being reminded to check whether accumulated snow or ice is blocking furnace vents, or vents for gas fireplaces, hot water heaters, and other fuel-burning appliances. Blockages can result in the buildup of carbon monoxide, the colourless, odourless and tasteless toxic gas, in a home.

Carbon monoxide alarms are mandatory in Ontario homes, new or old, with any fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage. Homes are required to have working alarms near any sleeping area.

Source: After heavy snowfall, London fire officials ask residents to dig out fire hydrants – London |

Published On: January 9th, 2018 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 648 |

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