Published On: October 21st, 2016

From Facebook (London Professional Fire Fighters Assoc.):

We are very proud to pass on a story and a great deal of pride that we are feeling. Today retired members of the LPFFA were playing in a recreational hockey game in the city when a fellow hockey player suffered a heart attack. This heart attack was witnessed by current, and retired London Fire Fighters and a retired RCMP officer who were playing together. Immediately years of training and service sprung into action, from calling 911, grabbing the arena defibrillator & calling arena staff, stabilizing the patient, hooking up the defib pads & operating the defibrillator and performing CPR. Within minutes the patient was shocked once, then he was breathing, heart was beating again and he slowly began to talk and he was eventually able to stand and walk with assistance by emergency responding crews from the local fire station and our friends at MLEMS.

14732247_713252545496625_5677135125220286949_nAll the best and we are hoping for a full recovery to the patient. We are very proud to our current and retired members for some great teamwork today by many individuals with many years of service to our community who just keep giving back in times of need.

Valuable lesson: Know where the public defib unit is located in your arena/public building. It could help save a life.


Published On: October 21st, 2016 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 952 |