Published On: January 15th, 2015

A timely reminder from the London Fire Department about the dangers of carbon monoxide, especially when trying to stay warm during this most recent cold snap.Wall-Monoxide-Alarm

Over the past week, London Firefighters have responded to more than two dozen carbon monoxide related calls due to a number of causes, including broken or malfunctioning heating equipment, and vents blocked by snow and ice.

Others have occurred as a result of people warming up their vehicles inside a garage, or near a basement window.

None of these cases involved toxic levels, but few had carbon monoxide detectors installed — which are now mandatory in all Ontario homes as of last October.

“Never take chances when it comes to the threat of carbon monoxide,” said Rick Jefferson with the London Fire Department in a release.

“If your alarm is sounding, immediately get everyone out to fresh air and call 911. Leave windows and doors sealed so that, if there is carbon monoxide present, firefighters should be able to detect and trace it to the source.”

Carbon monoxide detectors are required outside any sleeping area in homes with fuel burning appliances (natural gas furnaces and hot water heaters, gas or wood fireplaces, etc.) or those with an attached garage.

In multi-family units with fuel burning appliances, alarms must be installed in service rooms and near sleeping areas in all dwelling units adjacent to them.

Source: London Fire Department: Cold Weather Brings Increased Volume of Carbon Monoxide Related Calls | (CFPL AM) AM 980

Published On: January 15th, 2015 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 998 |


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