Published On: December 19th, 2013

201311126_Westlake__CJBK_01Black smoke enveloped the second and third floors of an apartment building on Westlake Drive.

Emergency crews were able to put out the blaze, which supposedly stemmed from the third floor.

A couple residents had to exit their apartment from their window using ladders to avoid leaving through the smoke.

Officials say that no one suffered complications from smoke inhalation.

CJBK talked to some of the residents waiting to return to their homes.

They said a young father was cooking food for his son on the third floor when the fire started. He pulled the alarm and rushed down saying black smoke was seeping from his room.

This matches up with firefighters’ speculations; they say they are treating the blaze as accidental.

While firefighters report that no one was injured, it’s certainly going to be a headache for residents to clean up their apartments.

via News/Talk 1290 CJBK London

Published On: December 19th, 2013 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 1303 |

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