Published On: April 27th, 2013

Let us know if you can help.

In order to preserve the history of the London Fire Fighters, researchers and volunteers are needed to record and catalog historical artifacts and equipment as well as newspaper articles and various other publications.  Without the help from volunteers this project would not be possible.

Consider donating some of your free time, downtime, off duty time
or personal expertise to assist with this project.

Who can help?

Anyone can!

Volunteer as a Researcher

People are needed to find articles and other publications to be recorded and preserved in our collection.  Do you know of someone who has clipped articles that may be of interest?  Was a relative of yours as member of the London Fire Fighters and collected personal items during their career?  Found something of interest to share?  Send us an email: [email protected]

Volunteer as a Typist

Of course much of the history of the London Fire Fighters is not digital and is locked in books, articles and various other publications that can not be easily shared.  Typists are needed to digitize these pieces to be published via the internet through our site.  You do not have to be an expert or even a very fast typist.

Anyone with an interest can help by donating some time with this project.  To get started, we can send you copy of an article of a publication that needs to be transcribed.  When you are finished, just email the article back.  It’s that easy!  There are no deadlines and no obligations to do more.  Your help can be acknowledged on our site (we haven’t decided how to do this yet but will get your permission before publishing your name)

High school students, your time donated can be used towards community hours needed to graduate.

Volunteers can now transcribe articles on-line.  See how to transcribe an article…

Volunteer your professional skills

Are you a professional with skills to assist with our project? Editors, copy writers, photographers, web or print design/layout professionals are needed to enhance the materials and provide an improved experience.
Could you lend your expertise?

Let us know if you can help.Past London Fire Department personnel are needed to share experiences, explain equipment, and help bring to life in a meaningful way the materials in our collection.

Published On: April 27th, 2013 | Last Updated: January 23rd, 2025 | Views: 1039 |

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