Published On: April 24th, 2013

Job Fair: The Most Trusted (And Most Distrusted) Professions

Fire Fighters are the most trusted profession according to Reader's Digest Poll.

Fire Fighters are the most trusted profession according to Reader’s Digest Poll.

We polled and you told us where your trust lies when it comes to professions. Here are the results of Canadians’ feelings of trust.

Top 10 Most Trusted Professions

10. Firefighters: 89%
9. Pharmacists: 82%
8. Airline Pilots: 82%
7. Nurses: 81%
6. GPs: 74%
5. Teachers: 67%
4. Veterinarians: 67%
3. Armed Forces: 64%
2. Dentists: 63%
1. Daycare Workers: 60%

Read the rest of the article on Reader’s Digest.

via Reader’s Digest.

Published On: April 24th, 2013 | Last Updated: January 23rd, 2025 | Views: 1294 |

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