Published On: October 30th, 2012

London Home Builders Support Firefighters In Making Local Neighbourhood Safer

On Saturday, November 3rd, volunteers from the London Home Builders Association will partner with London Firefighters to go door to door at hundreds of homes between Highview Ave W, Highview Cres, Meadowview Rd. and Gordon Ave check for working smoke alarms. Normally, not having a working smoke alarm could net the owner a $235 fine, but Saturday morning, if a home is found to be unprotected, a working smoke alarm or battery will be provided at no charge to the resident. This subdivision was chosen as an area that represented a good demographic cross-section of homeowners and buildings that were constructed before smoke alarms were required by the building code. Data from the previous blitzes has shown that up to 40% of homes in older areas are inadequately protected.

According to the Ontario Fire Marshal’s Office, most fatal fires occur when people are sleeping and they are killed because they have no working smoke alarms to wake them up. Working smoke alarms have been proven to greatly increase your chances of survival by alerting you and your family as early as possible.

Photo courtesy of the LHBA.

The Renovators’ Council* of the London Home Builders’ Association is generously donating the smoke alarms and the time of its members on Saturday to ensure that this program is a success. The Fire Department also reminds all Londoners that SMOKE ALARMS SAVE LIVES, so even if you are not in the blitz area, test your smoke alarms!

What: Smoke Alarm Safety Blitz
November 3, 2012 – 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.

Members of the media are invited to attend.

More details from the London Home Builders Association.

via the City of London Fire Department

Published On: October 30th, 2012 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 1191 |

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