Published On: September 30th, 2012

London police and fire department were called out to the scene of a single vehicle crash at the corner of Trafalgar and Vancouver streets early Sunday morning (Sept. 30). Photo by Mike Maloney/London Community News
Twitter: mdmaloneyphoto

London emergency services personnel were called out to a report of an collision at the corner of Trafalgar and Vancouver streets early Sunday (Sept. 30) morning.

Upon arrival, they found a single vehicle, which had struck a hydro pole on the northeast corner of the intersection. Damage to the pole was such that London Hydro was also called out to attend the scene.

While at least seven police cruisers attended the crash, officers on scene remained tight-lipped, reluctant to release any details pertaining to the incident.

However, one resident who lives close to the corner where the accident occurred, did report seeing police apparently take at least one person into custody.

via London Community News

Published On: September 30th, 2012 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 1270 |

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