Published On: July 9th, 2012
There are several articles within this post: CJBK 1290  |  MetroLondon Community News

London restaurant, property management firms hit with $101,000 in fire code violation fines

Two property management companies as well as a local restaurant have received hefty fines for breaking fire code regulations.

Last week the London Fire Department took them to Provincial Court for failure to address the violations.

Terra Corp. Management Inc. was ordered to pay $50,000 in fines for a number of violations at four apartment buildings on Huron Street.

Transglobe Property Management Services Ltd. has to pay $20,000 in fines at three buildings on Kipps Lane.

And Marino’s Pizzeria and Bar was assessed $31,000 in fines.

Failed fire inspections net stiff fines


Two property management companies and a local restaurant are facing significant fines for fire-code violations.

During scheduled inspections, the London Fire Department found multiple violations at four Huron Street apartment buildings operated by Terra Corp. Management Inc. Violations were found at three Kipps Lane buildings operated by Transglobe Property Management Services Ltd.

Marino’s Pizzeria and Bar (1066 Adelaide St. N) also was cited.


Total fines against three businesses for fire-safety violations

The cases were taken to provincial court last week.

“These significant fines demonstrate the commitment by the London Fire Department, the provincial courts and the province of Ontario toward making the province and the city of London fire safe,” fire Chief John Kobarda said in a statement.

Source: Failed fire inspections net stiff fines | Metro.


London restaurant, property management firms hit with $101,000 in fire code violation fines

London Community News

London restaurant, property management firms hit with $101,000 in fire code violation fines

The London Fire Department is reporting that more than $100,000 in fines for Ontario Fire Code violations have been handed out to two property management companies operating in London and a London restaurant.

On July 3, provincial court Justice Jacob Bruinewood issued a $31,000 fine to Marinos Pizzeria and Sports Bar on Adelaide Street for violations the department found during scheduled inspections in March of 2011.

The violations included failing to provide test records, failing to keep a portable fire extinguisher operable and fully charged, failing to ensure a portable extinguisher is accessible and unobstructed, failing to inspect portable extinguishers monthly, failing to remove slide bolts from an exit door, failing to confirm the maintenance and cleaning of a kitchen exhaust system, failing to maintain and test portable fire extinguishers and failing to provide a Class “A” fire extinguisher.

On June 20, Justice J. Shortt ordered Terracorp Management Inc. to pay $50,000 for violations found during inspections in July, 2011.

The violations for a property at 1255 Huron St. included failing to provide test records, non-operational closures in fire separations, failing to inspect doors in fire separations monthly, failing to keep fire extinguishers in operable condition and fully charged and failing to inspect portable extinguishers monthly.

At 1257 Huron St., the violations included failing to provide test records, failing to repair a damaged separation, failing to inspect doors in fire separations monthly, failing to maintain means of egress in good repair and free of obstructions, failing to provide updated information to the London Fire Department about changes made, failing to ensure a portable extinguisher will operate effectively and safely, failing to replace a hose on a rack as required with folds not occurring at the same place, failing to ensure no obstructions interfere with water discharge from sprinklers and failing to ensure a portable extinguisher is accessible and unobstructed.

At 1297 Huron St., the violations included failing to repair damaged closures, non-operational closures in fire separations, failing to provide records of fire drills and failing to conduct fire drills and failing to keep fire extinguishers in operable condition and fully charged.

At 1299 Huron St., the violations included failing to provide test records, failing to repair damaged closures, failing to inspect doors in fire separations monthly, failing to provide instructions to supervisory staff in the fire emergency procedures, failing to provide records of fire drills and failing to conduct fire drills, failing to inspect portable extinguishers monthly and failing to maintain the sprinkler system in operating condition.

And last November, Justice Gordon Chaput ordered Transglobe Property Management Services Ltd. to pay $20,000 in fines for three buildings it manages on Kipps Lane for violations found during inspections in May of last year.

The violations at 752 Kipps Lane included having damaged closures, failing to maintain internally illuminated exit signs, failing to keep fire extinguishers in operable condition and fully charged, failing to equip fire department connections with plugs or caps that are secured wrench-tight and failing to prominently post and maintain fire emergency procedures on each floor area.

At 756 Kipps Lane, the violations included failing to maintain internally illuminated exit signs, failing to ensure temporary wiring is not in use, failing to inspect and test fire the alarm system, failing to inspect a hose monthly to ensure proper position, failing to maintain an approved hose cabinet and failing to ensure sprinkler heads are free from damage.

And at 758 Kipps Lane, the violations included non-operational closures in fire separations, failing to maintain an exit sign and failing to inspect and test the fire alarm system.

Published On: July 9th, 2012 | Last Updated: July 9th, 2024 | Views: 1031 |

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