Published On: January 23rd, 1916London Fire Department Hose Wagonc 1907-1928source – Western University Archives Hines Collectionphoto credit – H.G. Hines Source: Vintage London, Ontario | Facebook HELP! - Do you know when this occured?Thanks, when was this event in time?CommentsDo you have any more information about this post?Thank you! We really appreciate your help!×There was an error trying to send your message. Please hit submit button again.×SubmitHELP! - Do you which LFD vehicles are pictured here? Please enter the vehicle ID, call sign, and/or make & model of the unidentified vehicles to assist us with documenting this post. Thank you! Your assistance is much appreciated.×There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.×Submit Vehicles | Date is not confirmed, Event Details needed, Unidentified LFD Vehicle in the photo | Published On: January 23rd, 1916 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 803 | Toggle NavigationOn This Day in LFD HistoryOur ArchivesUp Coming EventsShare something with us…Submit photosBecome a memberCOULD THIS POST BE IMPROVED?Share with us what needs to be updated