Published On: March 7th, 1842

The following are the bylaws they established for the London
Volunteer Fire Company:

1st. That for the discipline and regulation of the Company, a Captain, a First and Second Lieutenant, Secretary and Treasurer be appointed by ballot, to be in office for one year from the time of election.

2nd. That the Company meet at the engine house on the first Tuesday in every month at 7 o’clock, pm.

3rd. That five members, including the Captain or either Lieutenant. be a quorum and competent to proceed to business.

4th. That it shall be the duty of the Captain or officer commanding the engine company to see that the engine and all its appurtenances are kept in good order. To observe that every member does his duty when at a fire; to discharge the Company as soon as practicable, to order meetings of the Company whenever he may deem it expedient; to preside as chairman at all meetings, to keep order during the time,
to put all motions that are in order made and seconded; to give the casting vote when necessary, except in the election of officers, and to rigidly report to the Board of Police all disobedience of orders and other delinquencies.

5th. That it shall be the duty of the Ist Lieutenant to aid the Captain in the discharge of his duty, and in the absence of that oficer to perform his duty, as defined in the foregoing resolution.

6th. That it shall be the duty of the 2nd Lieutenant to aid the Captain and lst Lieutenant, and especially to see that the buckets are all present and in their places, and in the absence of those officers to perform the duties hereinbefore defined

7th. That on an alarm of fire, it shall be the duty of the members to repair immediately to the engine house, and should it happen that none of the officers shall have arrived at the engine house, it shall be the duty of the members assembled, when a sufficient number are collected to manage the engine, to elect one of their own number to take the command temporarily until the arrival of one of the officers, and proceed without loss of time to the place of the fire with the engine, hose, and other appurtenances under their care and there to work and manage the same under the direction of the officer or member commanding, until the fire is extinguished, and no fireman shall remove there from but by permission of the Captain or other oficer under whom he is immediately stationed, under a penalty of two shillings and sixpence, and on such permission being given they shall return their engine, hose and apparatus to their respective places of deposit.

8th. That any member being absent at roll call, shall be fined seven pence half penny, and if absent for the meeting shall be fined one shilling and three pence.

9th. That the fines shall be paid on the first meeting night after they have been imposed, and that no exception be admitted unless actual sickness of the member or sickness in the family, requiring his attendance or being absent on necessary business to the distance of one mile from the town.

10th. That if the fines are not paid to the treasurer on or before the second night of meeting after being imposed, the name of such person or persons so defaulting shall be reported to the Company and handed to the Board of Police at their next sitting for collection.

11th. That all monies by fines or otherwise go to a general fund and
be applied from time to time to such purposes as a majority of the Company may direct.

12th. That there shall be four members chosen alphabetically at each monthly meeting to clear and keep the engine and hose in repair and fit for service, under the direction of the engineer, subject to a fine of one shilling and three pence for non attendance to perform their duty
and a fine of two shillings and six pence to each member when the engine is not perfectly clean and fit for service.

13th. That it is necessary for the good order of the Company, that a fine of one shilling be imposed for disobedience of orders at any private meeting. and two shillings and Six pence when on duty with the Engine; also, that any member who shall be guilty of smoking using
profane language, or swearing, or of any other improper conduct, shall be subject to a fine of one shilling for the first offence, two shillings for the second, and be expelled for the third.

14th. That no beer or other spirituous liquors be allowed to be used at any of the Company ‘s meetings until all the business has been disposed of.

15th. That every member of this Company shall wear his fire hat and dress at all meetings of the Company, in default of which the fine of one shilling and three pence shall be levied upon such member or members as shall willfully neglect this rule, unless he or they can prove otherwise to the satisfaction of the Company.

16th. That when any vacancy occurs
shall be filled up as soon as

17th. That every member upon his admission into this Company shall procure his fire dress, before the next monthly meeting after his admission, or he will not be recognized as a member.

18th. That any member wishing to leave the Company shall give notice (in writing) of such intention to the Company, one month previous, during which of time such he shall pay up the all arrearages of fifines that may have been imposed upon him, and shall be liable to attend all meetings and fines as a fireman until the next monthly meeting after the one he shall have tendered his resignation, after which he shall be free to leave the Company.

19th. That on all occasions when the engine shall be taken out to a fire, or for practice, the drag ropes shall be the place for every member of the Company except the Captain, and any member violating this rule shall be fined one shilling and three pence for each offence.

20th. That it shall require the votes of two thirds of the Company present to expel any member, or to suspend or alter any of these rules on any occasion whatever.

21st. That on the admission of any new member to this Company, these rules and regulations shall be publicly read to him by the secretary.

22nd. That the accounts of this Company shall be audite at the end of every six months by a committee of three persons appoited by the members.

23rd. That any of the oficers violating the foregoing rules shall be fined double.

24th. That the Board of Police shall have power to enforce payment of all fines liable to be imposed by this Company.

25th. That it shall be the duty of the Captain or officer in command to see that a list of all persons liable to fine by reason of absence or other contravention of the bylaws of this Company be transmitted to the clerk of the Board of Police.

Published On: March 7th, 1842 | Last Updated: February 12th, 2023 | Views: 270 |

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