Published On: October 15th, 1994

Regarding Lorrain Greene’s battle to be hired as a London firefighter.

My husband and I moved to Canada 30 months ago from England, with high hopes of him also joining the fire department here in London. He is a “veteran” with 12 years’ experience in on of London, England’s busiest fire stations, facing dangers that many people in Canada can only imagine in their worst nightmares. He also helped to write a book on extraction procedures, which he gave to the city, as a goodwill gesture, on arrival. It is not being used as a teaching aid by the fire department.

My husband, like Greene, passed all his written and physical exams, and got an interview in February. Unlike Greene he has been put on a waiting list, but to our knowledge has been passed over at least twice already.

You cannot believe how frustrating this is for him, but we do not cry discrimination, be it age discrimination, (he is the grand age of 31) or because we are immigrants. We look on this philosophically, with the belief that it will all work out in the end for us.

I cannot begin to tell you how angry this has made me fell, not only as the wife of a man I know would dedicate his who life to the department, if given the chance, but also so as a woman who feel this type of “cry-wolf” behavior not only hinders, but sets back, women’s fight for equal right by at least 50 years.

I am sure the firefighters of this city, both male and female, are angered by this case. If Greene were to be hired because of her actions, she would not gain the respect from workmates, and it would be a hollow victory.


Source: London Free Press | Letter to the Editor

Published On: October 15th, 1994 | Last Updated: July 14th, 2020 | Views: 586 |

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