Taking a breather
A London firefighter fleeing a smoke-filled upper floor at 87 Euclid Ave., on Tuesday doesn’t seem to share the glee of a jack-o’-lantern perched atop a porch.
A London firefighter fleeing a smoke-filled upper floor at 87 Euclid Ave., on Tuesday doesn’t seem to share the glee of a jack-o’-lantern perched atop a porch.
Despite the concern of the London Firefighters’ Association, city council has supported proposed amendments to the provincial Fire Departments’ Act giving firemen the right to strike. But the strike weapon ...
London’s firefighters lose two court moves The London Firefighters’ Association suffered a double blow Thursday in Toronto before the divisional court of appeal. It lost both an application for judicial ...
A hunch by Platoon Chief Len Everett has been credited with saving his men from a collapsing floor.
By Nick Martin of The Free Press An arbitration board award which grants London’s 301 firefighters an 18-per-cent wage increase “was a sound award,” said Gord Sturdy, President of the ...
By Nick Martin of The Free Press London’s 301 fire department employees have been awarded an 18-per-cent wage increase for 1979 by a board of arbitration. “It’s bad news,” Mayor ...
Firefighters from throughout Ontario march beside and behind a fire truck bearing the coffin of London firefighter Richard Roman.
About 200 black-uniformed London firefighters and another 150 from departments throughout Ontario and from Montreal took part in the funeral procession and service for Fire Fighter Rick Roman.
Almost 200 black-uniformed London firefighters and another 150 from departments in Ontario and Quebec took part in the funeral service for Rick Roman.
(Continued from Page A1) - We are missing the introduction and are looking for a copy of it to complete the article. Witness Mary Edwards said she watched as ...