Engine 4 (E4) responds from Station 4 in Central London.
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Engine 4 (E4) responds from Station 4 in Central London.
These are posts that have been tagged E4.
Great working alongside @LPFFA at #WesternU Campus Safety Day! Thank you to @westernuFire @westernupolice @uwofootpatrol @MADDldn as well!
(Photo courtesy of Captain John Sutton.)
Source: Hooks & Halligans | Youtube
Source: Patrick Shepherd | Ontario Fire Buffs Associates – Facebook Page
(Photo courtesy of Hooks & Halligans Photography) (Photo courtesy of Hooks & Halligans Photography)
This morning, an electrical panel at the back of Carole's store ( Valu Mart @ Oxford & Richmond ) caught fire. The store lost power and had minor ...
(Photo courtesy of Dave Colin, Facebook) Historic London Firehall #4 during Doors Open London.. a pleasure chatting with Chief (Ret.) Jim Fitzgerald whose father was on the ...
A few photos that might add something to this story… I believe the ’57 LaFrance currently owned by a London firefighter.